I had 10 students in this course. We read several selections from a range of theorists. The usual three were included: Marx, Weber, Durkheim. I also included Comte, Spencer, Tocqueville, Du Bois, Beatrice Potter Webb, Marianne Weber, Mead, and Blumer. Students took turns facilitating class discussion. Students chose a contemporary topic and wrote a paper applying the work of at least 3 classical theorists to that topic. They wrote the paper in the following stages: 1) Secondary lit review 2) Primary lit review (the actual theorists) 3) Argument 4) First Draft 5) Final Draft Students also had a funny little final exam that I gave them. It was actually distributed on day 1. It was a list of 40 names and terms that they should know as part of their sociological cultural capital. They had to write an explanation for each, citing their source, and not using the same source for more than 5 items. To process the evaluations, I made 3 columns on a sheet of paper, labeled: Pros, Cons, S...
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