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Internship Skills: Technical Skills for the Modern Workplace

Internship Skills: Technical Skills for the Modern Workplace

In this post, I use a series of videos to step students through the basic technical skills they need for the average workplace.

The most important set of skills a modern worker needs are all related to the Microsoft Office Suite: Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and Outlook. For each of these, there are also non-Office alternatives that are worth considering, but everyone needs to know how to operate successfully in the Office Suite first and foremost. The Microsoft Suite is available online as a software download and it is even available by subscription, which means you would always have access to the most updated version.


Word is, of course, a text editing program. The best alternatives to consider are Google Documents (in Google Drive) and Apple Pages.A full course of Word training is available here:


Excel is a spreadsheet program. You can use it for both quantitative numerical) information, and for keeping track of qualitative (text) information. Alternatives are Google Spreadhseets (in Google Drive) and Apple Numbers. You can use to record information, analyze information, and produce visuals that allow you to share your findings with others. A full course of Excel training is available here:


Access is a database program, used for recording contact details and a range of other information. A full course of Access training is available here:


PowerPoint is a presentation program. Alternatives include Prezi, Google Presentations (in Google Drive), and Apple Keynote. A full course of PowerPoint training is available here:


Outlook is an email program and of course that are a lot of alternatives, particularly Gmail. But many companies continue to favor outlook. A full course of Outlook training is available here:

Beyond the Office Suite

Once you have conquered the Microsoft Office Suite, there are two more sets of skills you should focus on developing: web editing skills and social media skills. Web editing skills refer to html basics, image editing, site creation and management, and blog publishing. Social media skills refer to Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Pinterest, among others.

HTML Basics

HTML is the basic language used for creating websites. With a few simple HTML codes, you can even create a webpage using a program as simple as Notepad (you would then just need to find a host for the page). Although there are many web editors that allow you to bypass learning HTML, they all have their quirks. Knowing basic HTML allows you to have full control of any webpage (or blog).

Image Editing

Image editing involves taking/obtaining images, editing their size and resolution, cropping the image, and improving the image quality. It also involves understanding different image formats such a jpeg, gif, png and others. 

Site Creation

Site creation and management usually involves working with a site host. You can even use WordPress to create a website. You want to understand how to make and link new pages, remove pages, and update content.


The three main blog hosts WordPress, Blogger, and Tumblr. Tumblr is the most used by far. You can also create your own blog with basic HTML.


Twitter is a microblogging platform that lets you share ideas, images, videos, and links with your audience.


We all understand Facebook on a personal level, but it also has important implications for businesses and organizations.


LinkedIn in a social network site for career professionals. Use it to find jobs, glean insight from innovators in the field, and connect with other professionals.


Pinterest is the newest major social media site. It is a useful way to curate images, videos, and articles.

Further training for all of these programs and more can be found online, on YouTube, on, and a variety of other sources.


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