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Showing posts from January, 2015

Temple Email Basics

This post really just applies to folks at Temple University. As a Temple student, your initial email address may be set up as a random series of letters and numbers, such as That makes it hard for recipients to know who they are receiving emails from. Here are three easy steps to make your emails easy to identify! 1. In your email, click on the settings option. Then choose the option "Accounts." Then, under "Send Email as," click on "edit info." If your account is linked to multiple addresses, be sure to choose the correct address. Finally, enter your name and click on "save changes." 2. Still in the settings, click on "General." Scroll down to "Signature." Fill in a signature that includes your first and last name. You can also add other contact information such as an email address, business phone, or social media handles. Click on the box at the bottom that reads "Insert ...

Internship Skills: Interview Bucket List

I love this post on LinkedIn about creating an Interview Bucket List of places you'd like to pursue for your next job. The criteria are: "The company's product or service is something you believe in. You can explain in detail, what experiences you've had in life that have taught you the company's product or service is worthy of your admiration or respect." Read more on LinkedIn: .

Internship Skills: Technical Skills for the Modern Workplace

Internship Skills: Technical Skills for the Modern Workplace In this post, I use a series of videos to step students through the basic technical skills they need for the average workplace. The most important set of skills a modern worker needs are all related to the Microsoft Office Suite: Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, and Outlook. For each of these, there are also non-Office alternatives that are worth considering, but everyone needs to know how to operate successfully in the Office Suite first and foremost. The Microsoft Suite is available online as a software download and it is even available by subscription, which means you would always have access to the most updated version. Word Word is, of course, a text editing program. The best alternatives to consider are Google Documents (in Google Drive) and Apple Pages.A full course of Word training is available here: . Excel Excel is a sp...

Fall 2014 – Semester in Review – Dustin Kidd

Fall 2014 – Semester in Review – Dustin Kidd Research I began work on a new book project entitled Social Media Freaks , under preparation for Westview Press. I completed two chapters of the book—a history of social media and an analysis of the relationship between sexuality and social media. I published a review of the book Comic Book Crime: Truth, Justice, and the American Way by Nickie Phillips and Staci Strobl in the journal Men & Masculinities . I was invited to undertake two encyclopedia entries related to my field. The Cambridge Handbook of Sociology invited me to write the entry for “Popular Culture.” At my request, two of my graduate students were added as co-authors: Jennifer Kim and Amanda Turner. The entry is due March 1, 2015. The Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Gender and Sexuality Studies invited me to complete the entry for “Women as Producers of Culture.” This is due on March 23, 2015.   I spent much of the semester promoting my...

Internship Skills: Difficult Scenarios and Difficult People

Internship Skills: Difficult Scenarios and Difficult People For this exercise, we will take a look at difficult situations that can arise at work. --> Learning Objectives 1.      Pinpointing Your Triggers 2.      Recognize How Culture and Personality Influence Your Reactions 3.      Implement Healthy Conflict Resolution Strategies 4.      De-escalate Volatile Situations Pinpoint Your Triggers Discussion: What do you think your personal triggers are? What kinds of interactions have pushed your buttons in the past? Culture     Discussion: Where have you encountered cultural differences and conflicts in the past? What did you learn from them? Gender   Discussion: Where have you confronted gender differences in the past? How have you confronted them? Personality Discussion: Which personality type/s a...

Evaluation Summary – Fall 2014 – Development of Sociological Thought

Evaluation Summary – Fall 2014 – Development of Sociological Thought 10 evaluations out of 19 students Quantitative Feedback Item 1: I (the student) came well prepared for class. 3.5 Decline from 4.5 in Fall 2011. Item 2: The instructor clearly explained the educational objectives of this course. 4.7 Decline from 4.9 in Fall 2011. Item 3: The instructor was well organized and prepared for class. 4.9 Same score as 2014. Item 4: The instructor was conscientious in meeting class and office hour responsibilities. 4.8 Decline from 4.9 in Fall 2011. Item 5: The instructor promoted a classroom atmosphere in which I felt free to ask questions. 4.7 Decline from 5.0 in Fall 2011. Item 6: The instructor provided useful feedback about exams, projects, and assignments. 4.6 Decline from 4.6 in Fall 2011. Item 7: So far, the instructor has applied g...