I recently submitted my tenure paperwork. By the time tenure rolls around, it's too late to worry about publishing. Instead, you have to worry about printing. There is a mountain of documentation that needs to be submitted. If I could go back 5 years and give myself some advice, I'd suggest collecting the following, and reviewing it once a year:
1. Printouts of my listings in the programs for every conference I went to
2. One good email or letter for each service activity I performed (ideally a thank-you letter, otherwise, an exemplary email)
3. A citation report for each of my articles using both JCR and Google Scholar.
4. A journal impact assessment for the journals I've published in, tracking impact factor, number of libraries that hold the journal, whether indexed and whether refereed
5. A short paragraph or two on each of my publications, explaining why I wrote them and what they contributed
6. A printout verifying every internal and external award I received, and every follow-up report that I submitted
7. A list of names and email addresses for students I mentored or supervised
8. A list of names and email addresses for every person who supervised my service
9. A teaching assignment form listing every course name/number, level, semester, year, and number of students
10. An exemplary assignment from every course, every semester, filed with the syllabus and any assignment descriptions, as well as evaluations
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