Need a plan for getting out of debt and onto the financial high ground? Follow this plan, in this order, and be patient.
My emergency savings in an ING savings account at 1.4% interest. That's about the best you can find right now, but FNBO is currently offering 1.5%.
- Participate in your company's matching 401K or 403B.
- Put $1000 in a savings account and don't touch it unless there is an emergency.
- Pay off your credit cards, personal loans and car loans, highest interest to lowest.
- Go back to the $1000 and start building it up to an emergency fund that you could live off of for 8 months. I'll blog more about this in the future. Keep this in a savings account where you can get to it easily.
- Contribute the maximum amount to a Roth IRA. For most of us, that means $5000/year.
- Save for and buy a house, preferably without a mortgage or with 20% down to get the best rate.
- Pay off your student loans.
- Increase your contributions to your 401K or 403B up to the maximum.
- Pay off your mortgage.
My emergency savings in an ING savings account at 1.4% interest. That's about the best you can find right now, but FNBO is currently offering 1.5%.
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