Produced this feedback for my students and thought other might find it useful. If you have additions, post 'em! Avoid parenthetical expressions. If it's worth saying, say it in the text of your paper. Most people skip over the parentheses as they read. Save parentheses for citations. Avoid lists and pairs that add text without adding meaning. Examples: "culture and society," "discussions and debates," "issues, topics, and themes." Use first and last name on first usage, and last name thereafter. People who; object that. The tendency is to use 'that' for everything, including people, resulting in statements such "people that like this TV show will...." Instead, phrase it as "people who like this TV show will...." Double-space everything, including footnotes, box quotes, and references. You should always double-space anything for which you will receive feedback. Set your word processor defaults to 12pt. Times New R...
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